Reasons why no powder coming out of the digital control spray gun and how to solve them
To summarize the reasons why no powder coming out of the spray gun, there are probably the following:
- The powder outlet of the spray gun is blocked by the diffuser nozzle(mostly occurs in new guns);
- The solenoid valve does not work, and no injection air output;
- The powder pipe connected to the spray gun is bent, blocked, or falls off, and the air pressure connection pipes are wrongly connected (the injection air and dilution air are reversed)
- The inlet valve is not opened, or the air pressure is too low
- The gun control wire, trigger switch, and the socket connecting the gun pistol to the gun control unit have poor contact (no click sound in the main unit when the trigger is pulled)
- Dilution pressure is too large
- The powder nozzle on the powder suction pump is blocked
- Severe wear of the Venturi tube
How to solve it?
- Adjust the diffuser nozzle’s position outward;
- Check the plug and wiring of the solenoid valve;
- Check the powder pipe and each air pipe;
- Open the valve and adjust the injection air pressure to above 0.15;
- Check wiring and plugs;
- Turn off the dilution air pressure completely to test the machine;
- Clean up the machine and inspect it frequently;
- Check and replace the Venturi tube;